Tuesday, October 27, 2009

I Know Just What I Need...

A cupcake that is 25 times the size of a normal cupcake! A normal cupcake is just so fatty and sugary that the only thing that could make it better is for it to be 25 times bigger than it already is.
I apologize for my meaningless rant. This is just what happens when you are at home sick with a sick baby doing nothing but watching tv and commercials for ridiculous inventions. Am I the only one that's seen this one? The mom gives the kids a cupcake and they look at it with dismay because it's so small. She comes back with a new cupcake the size of Maryland and there's happiness all around.
The first time I saw it I thought it was the dumbest thing that I had seen since the microwave egg thingy. Now, just like the microwave egg thingy, the colossal cupcake just seems like the best thing since sliced bread. There are just so many things that you can do with a ginormous cupcake! Like bake it and then put blue frosting on it or bake it and put red frosting on it or put sprinkles on it..
I'll have to get back to you about it's other uses after I order it. Right along side the wall toothpaste dispenser, the instyler, and "shoes under".

1 comment:

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